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Quarry near Shepherds Lodge.jpg
There are two quarries on the Bennachie colony - the one you can see here and another about 50 m north in the woods. This quarry is shown on the Ordnance Survey 25" map surveyed in 1866-7. An earlier map produced in 1844, for division of the…

Shepherd’s Lodge was the home of the Littlejohn family. David Littlejohn was born 24 August 1838 – the second recorded birth on the Colony. The Littlejohn’s had a large family of twelve children although not all are recorded living on the hillside at…

This is the Western-most croft of the colonies and it is said that when the foundations were first laid, the Laird’s men kept knocking them down. But persistence prevailed and eventually the house was built.

Welcome to Burnside. In the 1841 census, James and Ann Findlater lived here with Sarah and Robert, the youngest of their eight children. By 1851 Ann Findlater (née Ross) had died and James, a labourer, is listed on the census as living with one of…

When Cairn Couttie was excavated in 1999, we found a fireplace in the west gable wall of the house with peat still remaining in the hearth. In the south eastern corner of the house, remnants of two shoes with iron heel and toe plates were found.

The Bennachie Colonists and even some people today, believe that the very first cuckoo, in April/May, to arrive from Africa to Bennachie perches on the top of this stone and sings! Can you see the cuckoo egg and inscription on the wall nearby? This…

The boundary markers seen on the hillside, originate after a Court action was finally settled in 1859, dividing the Commonty of Bennachie between nine local landowners. "Commonty" is land whose ownership is shared among more than one estate. Many…
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