Results: 58

Item ID Title Description Added Updated
209 Presentation to the Community Heritage Conference 2015 by Miller, Vergunst and Wainwright. Brief description of the Commonty and Colony of Bennachie. Some oral histories. History of the English Quarry, Bennachie. Friday 17th of November 2017 06:15:30 PM Sunday 17th of March 2024 05:48:39 PM
212 Plant a Tree on Bennachie Poster advertising tree planting days at "foraging forest" in Nov/Dec 2017 Thursday 30th of November 2017 08:55:20 AM Sunday 10th of December 2017 02:23:28 PM
238 Plant a Tree 3 March 2018 Poster Thursday 08th of March 2018 03:29:15 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
311 Letter from Forestry Commission Granting Filming Permission for Bennachie Video Correspondence from the Forestry Commission to Ms Sheenah Cobb granting permission for the Bailies to film the Bennachie Video. Ref No. 6-1-6. Friday 04th of September 2020 02:09:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:10 PM
345 Letter to Mr Watson from Conservator, Forestry Commission re amendments (to leaflet?) Let to Mr Watson re his letter of 19 May with proposed amendments, stating that they have all been included except the heights in metric and details of amphibians, reptiles and insects, which have had instead just a passing ref. Tuesday 11th of April 2023 10:44:07 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
347 Letter from R J R Marnie, Forestry Commission to R O'Brien, Divisional Education Office, Elgin re Donview Centre Let to O'Brien re layout of Donview Centre with attached plan, description of 16 info panels on the topic of forestry. These had not been agreed upon but requested O'Brien's comments and on the minutes of a previous meeting Tuesday 11th of April 2023 10:59:19 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
349 2 Letters to Mrs Helen Fraser re scrub saw for the Bailies from the Forestry Commission 1; Let advising Mrs Fraser that a scrub saw would cost approx £60 and further advice given when one is available. 2; Let advising Mrs Fraser of full price of a brush saw, where/how it can be paid, and that it can be inspected at Balnacoul Tuesday 11th of April 2023 11:26:19 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
368 Let from Ron Marnie (Forestry Commission) to James McKay of the Bailies re editing of Bennachie booklet Marnie wishes James well for the new year, comments about winds in Buckie, appends his comments to the booklet; editorial comments follow with an annotated proposed map; S Thomson signs for R M; James is thanked for his hard work in updating booklet Monday 14th of August 2023 10:58:14 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
369 Let2 from Ron Marnie (Forestry Commission) to James McKay of the Bailies re editing of Bennachie booklet Marnie thanks McKay for his let of 29 Jan and that the points in RM's let were all taken onboard; RM mentions places/features that can be labelled; the FC will take 2500 copies of the new booklet; S Thomson signs for R M; Monday 14th of August 2023 11:04:46 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
370 Let from Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) re tree felling and extension of the Gordon Way to Ron Marnie of Forestry Commission Davidson sends minute of last meeting, points inc. drainage of field at Back o' Bennachie carpark; cutting back of trees obscuring view on Millstone Hill, and Oxen Craig Path on Bennachie; Afforsk Pond; Extention of Gordon Way to inc route to Lumsden Monday 14th of August 2023 11:25:53 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
371 Reply let from S Thomson/R Marnie of Forestry Commission to Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) re points raised in meeting ST/RM reply to let of 11/1/86; Cutting back trees to be done; Afforsk Pond leak to be checked by engineer; agreement re route ext to Lumsden, as Brindy Hill land may be changing ownership soon; suggest pioneering a new route inc Brindy if so wished. Monday 14th of August 2023 11:33:25 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
372 Letter from M Davidson, Clerk of the Bailies to Forestry Commission Conservator Complaint discussed at Bailies' council meeting re timber extraction from Bennachie Forest on north side of hill, many heavy vehicles disrupting visitors to the hill, suggest alternative route be found for lorries that cause noise, fumes and dust Monday 28th of August 2023 08:51:42 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
373 Letter to Mrs Sutherland (Bailies) from A F MacKay, on behalf of Forestry Commission Conservator re timber extraction on Bennachie (reply to 8-1-19A) FC has explored all potential access roads, but existing one best. FC in touch with Grampian Roads Dept to ensure road is improved, tree felling/extraction only for thinning purposes, promise to minimise disruption to visitors. Monday 28th of August 2023 09:08:27 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
394 Map/Plan of Bennachie marked with road proposals by Ron Marnie Greyscale line map of Bennachie marked in red coloured pencil, corner labelled "Forestry Commission" and handwritten note "Present road proposals as promised, Ron Marnie" and date. Saturday 28th of October 2023 08:20:06 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
406 Letter to Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) re forestry operations near Oyne from R A Sandilands District Forester, Forestry Commission Sandilands, working with Ron Marnie explans the harvesting and clearing Oyne section of Bennachie Forest, that the FC want to avoid leaving the hill bare, will thin out trees and minimise disruption to leisure users; p2 is a road plan for FC vehicles Saturday 11th of November 2023 04:40:55 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
415 Letter to the Bailies via Fred Gordon thanking them for their participation in Forestry Industry open day John thanks the Bailies for participating in what was a very successful event due to "putting the industry on display" and expresses that this success should be built on for next year. Wednesday 29th of November 2023 07:28:52 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
416 Letter from Brian Stanger, Head Forester, to James R McKay (Bailies) re controlled burning at Hillside & working party Brian thanks James for organising and supervising the working party at Hillside, saying he was impressed by the extent & tidyness afterward. He thanks James again for his invaluable local knowledge and acknowledges his offer of further help. Wednesday 29th of November 2023 07:41:48 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
417 Letter from F Thom, District Forester to James R McKay re NE Forest Industry Open Day 1993 Enquiry if the Bailies would like a stall at the Forestry Commission open day at the Bin Forest/Huntly Forestry Office on 26 June. Request indication of space required and charge of £50 levied per exhibitor Wednesday 29th of November 2023 07:51:24 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
418 Letter from Graham J Hamilton, Regional Director, Forestry Commission to James R McKay (Bailies) re privitisation & sale of woodlands Hamilton tries to assuage James' fears regarding Bennachie & the Goverment's target of disposing 100k ha of forest by 1999. Suggests he write to Mr Pearson, Forestry Review Group. Handwritten notes on P2 regarding defining category of woodland park. Wednesday 29th of November 2023 08:08:08 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
419 Letter from Graham Hamilton, Regional Director to P Stallard (Clerk to the Baillies) re Goverment disposal of woodlands Hamilton thanks Stallard for let or 12 Mar, re encouraging SNH response, confirms that Bennachie forest was never on the Commission's disposal list. Can't rule out the government trying to force a sale, but would engage with them re sponsored sale Wednesday 29th of November 2023 10:45:02 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
424 Letter from Forest Education Initiative to Algy Watson re Tree Trunks Launch S M Coghill, FEI secretary thanks Algy Watson for attending the launch on 9th June and says it will be the first stepping stone to increasing awareness of positive benefits of forests & forestry to the wider public Sunday 25th of February 2024 11:54:26 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
425 Press release re Tree Trunks project June 1988 at Bennachie Centre with Dr Colin Millar, Convener Aberdeenshire Council Press release describing the Tree Trunks as an educational resource for schools integrating the benefits of trees and forestry into the curriculum. Colin Millar was at launch with Oyne Primary pupils to look at the contents of the "trunk" Monday 26th of February 2024 12:05:30 AM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
450 Letter to Julie Snodgrass on the occasion of her leaving Aberdeenshire A letter from Bailies clerk Geoff Gill to Julie Snodgrass, outgoing District Forester for Forest Enterprise, expressing regret at her leaving her post and Aberdeenshire and wishing her luck going forward. Friday 12th of April 2024 07:57:55 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:07 PM
453 Letters and maps regarding Harthill Farms, Corrie Hill Letters between Aberdeenshire Council and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology regarding a forestry grant application for Harthill Farm, including maps of the area. Friday 12th of April 2024 08:15:42 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:07 PM
454 Forestry application for Forbes estate Letters regarding a forestry plan for Forbes estate Friday 12th of April 2024 08:20:04 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:07 PM
455 Letters and a questionnaire regarding the management of land by the Forestry Commission Letters and a survey asking about land managed by the Forestry commission. The survey has been completed with generally positive answers. Friday 12th of April 2024 08:25:30 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:07 PM
456 A volunteer activities permit from the Forestry Commission A letter, a signed and completed contract, and a map regarding voluntary activities Friday 12th of April 2024 08:28:51 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:07 PM
457 A letter regarding a review of the land from the Forestry Commission A letter about a review made of the land by the Forestry Commission Friday 12th of April 2024 08:32:21 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:06 PM
458 Letter from Forestry Commission regarding a consultation A letter from Forestry Scotland discussing a consultation on their ten year framework strategic plan. Friday 12th of April 2024 10:32:47 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:06 PM
459 A note regarding the Forestry Commission consultation A note from one member to another stating that they had not been able to fill out the consultation online so were now doing so in physical format. Friday 12th of April 2024 10:41:09 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:06 PM
460 Completed response to Forest Enterprise Scotland consultation A completed response to the consultation regarding the district strategic plan created by Forest Enterprise Scotland Monday 15th of April 2024 10:54:26 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:06 PM
461 Letter from CEO of Forest Enterprise Scotland regarding the consultation A letter from Dr Hugh Insley, CEO of Forest Enterprise Scotland, regarding the consultation for the framework strategic plan Monday 15th of April 2024 11:01:27 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:06 PM
462 Notes on Forest Enterprise Scotland consultation A response to the Forest Enterprise Scotland consultation which asks some fairly essential questions Monday 15th of April 2024 11:03:38 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
463 Letter from Forestry Commission Scotland A letter from Forestry Commission Scotland regarding the reorganisation of its districts and the senior staffing structure. Monday 15th of April 2024 11:10:13 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
464 Correspondence regarding path work and signage on Bennachie Letters between the Bailies of Bennachie and the Forestry Commission discussing path work and the creation of new signage on Bennachie, for which the Bailies had apparently not been consulted although FC representative disputes this. Monday 15th of April 2024 11:15:08 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
465 Correspondence regarding forestry provisions in the Scottish climate change bill A letter from Bailies of Bennachie to the Forestry Commission regarding forestry provisions in the Scottish climate change bill and the role the charity would play in this Monday 15th of April 2024 11:20:09 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
466 Correspondence regarding the maintenance of pathways on Bennachie Emails and a letter between the Bailies of Bennachie and the Forestry Commission discussing the maintenance and repair of pathways on Bennachie. Monday 15th of April 2024 11:34:28 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
467 A letter to the chief executive of the Forestry Commission regarding cutbacks A letter to Simon Hodge, the chief executive of the Forestry Commission, regarding cuts to their service and how this will affect the maintenance of Bennachie. Monday 15th of April 2024 11:37:31 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
474 A letter from Gordon District Council regarding a tree preservation order A letter from Gordon District Council laying out plans for a tree preservation order for the area. Tuesday 16th of April 2024 08:33:58 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
496 Letters regarding the Blairdaff / Blindburn forestry scheme Letters between the Bailies of Bennachie and Aberdeenshire Council regarding the above scheme and a dispute resulting from it. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:22:45 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
507 Article from the Inverurie Advertiser about a Monymusk laird being refused a forestry grant An article from the Inverurie Advertiser about Archibald Grant, the laird of Monymusk, bieng refused a grant from the Forestry Commission for the planting of trees on the Monymusk Triangle. Partially cut off, lost part rewritten by hand and attached Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:03:17 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
508 Article from the Inverurie Herald about Sir Archibald Grant's thwarted plan to plant trees An article from the Inverurie Herald where Sir Archibald Grant, who wanted to plant trees on his estate, claims that Gordon District Council and the Bailies of Bennachie are among those trying to put a stop to his plans. Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:08:31 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
511 Article from the Inverurie Herald about the dispute between Sir Archibald Grant and the Bailies of Bennachie An article from the Inverurie Herald regarding Sir Archibald Grant's plans to plant sitka spruce trees on the Monymusk Triangle and the objections made to this plan by the Bailies. Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:35:09 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
512 Letter to the Inverurie Herald from Bailies of Bennachie re Archibald Grant A letter written to the Inverurie Herald by the Bailies of Bennachie responding to claims made by Sir Archibald Grant about his plans to plant sitka spruce on the Monymusk Triangle and their clarification of their objections to this plan. Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:42:11 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
515 Newspaper article about the Bailies' fears for government plans for forest privatisation. An article about the Bailies' concerns over the government's plans to privatise forests Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:57:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
516 Newspaper column by MP Malcolm Bruce about forest privatisation concerns A column by Gordon MP Malcolm Bruce addressing the concerns from the Bailies of Bennachie regarding forest privatisation Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:59:50 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
519 Article from Inverurie Advertiser about concerns for the Bennachie centre in the wake of possible forest privatisation An article from the Inverurie Advertiser about possible risks to the future of the Bennachie centre if plans for forest privatisation go ahead. Thursday 18th of April 2024 03:13:35 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
533 A photograph from the Inverurie Advertiser about the first work party of the year A photograph from the Inverurie Advertiser about the first conservation work party of the year. Thursday 18th of April 2024 06:46:53 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
534 An article and photo from the Inverurie Advertiser about the first work party of the year A brief article and photo from the Inverurie Advertiser about the first conservation work party of the year. Thursday 18th of April 2024 06:49:26 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
544 An article about the opening of Esson's car park A small article from an unknown publication about the official opening of Esson's car park, after which senior Bailie Dr Danny Gordon led a walk through the forest. Friday 19th of April 2024 07:44:54 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
545 A short article from the Banffshire Journal about a Bennachie visit and accompanying letter A short article from the Banffshire Journal about the Banffshire and District Round table visit to Bennachie, where they were shown around by Dr Danny Gordon. The article has been enclosed along with a handwritten letter to Dr Gordon. Friday 19th of April 2024 07:49:54 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
564 A letter to a newspaper from Sir Archibald Grant of Monymusk about protecting Bennachie wildlife A letter to an unknown newspaper from Sir Archibald Grant of Monymusk about an application he made to plant trees on Bennachie, stressing that he is not breaking the law and he wishes to preserve the wildlife. Saturday 20th of April 2024 06:36:17 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
565 A letter to a newspaper from MB Davidson, Bailies of Bennachie clerk, in response to Sir Archibald Grant. A letter to an unknown newspaper from MB Davidson, the Bailies of Bennachie clerk, responding to Sir Archibald Grant's letter from a previous edition and setting the record straight on a few things. Saturday 20th of April 2024 06:48:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
566 An article from the Inverurie Advertiser about a planned visit by Gordon District councillors to the Monymusk Triangle The Inverurie Advertiser reports that there will be a trip up Bennachie to the Monymusk Triangle to get a better idea of the potential effects of proposed plans for the area which the Bailies of Bennachie objected to. Saturday 20th of April 2024 06:53:17 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
567 An article from the Press and Journal reporting on the opposition to Sir Archibald Grant's Monymusk Triangle plans A report from the Press and Journal about opposition from the Bailies of Bennachie to plans by Sir Archibald Grant for the Monymusk Triangle, which, among other things, could lead to the loss of a long established footpath up Bennachie. Saturday 20th of April 2024 06:58:25 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
568 A short newspaper article about the financing of a planned study of Bennachie A report from an unknown newspaper about a vegetation study on Bennachie which is to be financed by Gordon District Council. Saturday 20th of April 2024 07:02:37 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
575 A press release about plans to develop Pittodrie Estate into leisure facilities - including a Bennachie visitor centre A press release detailing ambitious plans to develop Pittodrie Estate, including leisure facilities, private housing, some forestry work on Bennachie, and a visitor centre for the latter - a 'pleasant surprise' according to senior Bailie James MacKay Saturday 20th of April 2024 07:27:26 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM
589 Two letters relating to the restoration and reopening of the Rowantree Footpath One letter is from Scottish Woodlands Ltd thanking James MacKay for agreeing to make a speech at the reopening ceremony, the second is the invitiation from Pittodrie House Hotel to the ceremony and lunch reception. Sunday 21st of April 2024 11:24:55 AM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM