Search by Subject: searches only on the Subject field. It does not look at any other fields in the record.
Enter a Search Term: One or more terms can be entered here. Entries are case insensitive. The search looks through the entire record for the entered term or terms. Thus entering "History" will give records with History as the subject but also those where the word "history" occurs elsewhere, such as in the title or description. A number may return records where that number occurs in a date or a record number or any other field.
Where two or more terms are entered, they are treated as "AND" functions. This will give a shorter, more specific, list of hits than either term alone.
To search on a multiple word term, enter the words in quotation marks. Thus "English Quarry" (in quotes) gives only those records referring specifically to the English Quarry, but English Quarry (without quotes) gives records containing the words English AND quarry together or separately.
When the list of records is displayed the search term used is displayed at the top. To further refine the list another search term can be added here. Alternatively a new search can be started by entering a different term.
Search on Item ID: A number entered in this field will give the one item with this ID.