Results: 39

Item ID Title Description Added Updated
315 Department of Planning Order Form from Gordon District Council Copy of an order form from the Gordon District Council's Department of Planning. Ref No. 6-1-10. Sunday 06th of September 2020 01:00:18 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:10 PM
334 North East Mountain Trust covering letter re GRC's Rural Area Structure Plan North East Mountain Trust Covering letter 6 November 1981 from R. Drennan Watson, chair of the North East Mountain Trust for a copy of the Grampian Regional Council Rural Area Structure Plan [plan not attached]; typescript, photocopy, 1 sheet Friday 17th of February 2023 01:17:28 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
335 Letter of response 15 July 1985 from North East Mountain Trust re Ground Operations on NW Bennachie Letter of response 15 July 1985 from North East Mountain Trust re Ground Operations on NW Bennachie, with advice on preparing a protest and enclosing photocopies of Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1972, c.52/153-154, and Statutory Instrument Friday 17th of February 2023 01:36:44 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
336 Draft note 29 July 1995 re ground operations at NW Bennachie Draft note 29 July 1995 re people to contact and points to be made re Ground Operations on NW Bennachie; manuscript, 1 sheet Friday 17th of February 2023 01:53:03 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
338 North East Mountain Trust Newsletter Summer '87 (booklet), article "Bennachie Working Party" ‘Bennachie working party’, article, p.9, North East Mountain Trust Newsletter, (Summer 1987), report of meeting to discuss a Management Plan for Bennachie; 1 volume, 36 pages. Friday 17th of February 2023 02:13:18 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
340 Copy correspondence of North East Mountain Trust re responses to planning applications and to structure plan Copy correspondence of North East Mountain Trust re responses to Highland Regional Council's planning applications and to structure plan; 3 sets; To R Cameron, HRC Director of Planning; Chief Exec, HRC, Sect. of State for Scotland; 14 sheets. Friday 17th of February 2023 03:01:45 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
374 Letter from Ron Marnie (Forestry Commission) to Michael Davidson, Bailies' Clerk re attendance at Bailies' council meetings Though it had been customary to invite FC's Conservator to council meetings, as they were based in Inverness and too far away to be able to attend, Marnie had been deputised on the Conservator's behalf, could invites come to him instead. Monday 28th of August 2023 09:24:11 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:09 PM
389 Application Form - Permission to Use Electrical Fishing Devices Application form for permission to use electrical fishing devices, features departmental address in Gorgie Rd, Edinburgh, space for name of applicant, name of equip user, period of use, etc. with lines at foot for date and applicant signature Tuesday 19th of September 2023 10:46:35 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
390 Permission Form - Allowing use of electrical fishing devices for research/scientific purposes to Dr R Owen of NE River Purification Board Permission granted to Dr Roger Owen under the Salmon & Freshwater Fisheries (Protection) (Scotland) Act 1951 by Secretary of State for Scotland to use electrical fishing methods to assess pollution effects on fish populations locally Tuesday 19th of September 2023 10:58:44 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
391 Let from Michael Davidson, Clerk to the Bailies, to Fisheries' Secretary (Scotland) re obtaining permission to use electrical fishing devices Davidson asks for permission to use such devices to aid the movement of brown trout to the Afforsk Pond which the Bailies now have a fishing licence for, following repair of the dam. He states he is a freshwater biologist & experienced in this area Tuesday 19th of September 2023 11:08:38 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
392 Permission Form - Allowing use of electrical fishing devices for research/scientific purposes to Michael Davidson, Bailies' Clerk Permission granted to Michael Davidson, Bailies' Clerk, under the Salmon & Freshwater Fisheries (Protection) (Scotland) Act 1951 by Secretary of State for Scotland to use electrical fishing methods to move trout to Afforsk Pond and its inlet (1yr) Tuesday 19th of September 2023 11:17:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
395 Letter from Ron Marnie (Forestry Commission) to Michael Davidson (Bailies) re GDC meeting absences Ron writes to apologise for missing forthcoming meeting and that he will clarify FC's position regarding the Gordon District Council's proposed Management Plan when he attends the next one; complains GDC did not record his apologies before Saturday 28th of October 2023 08:33:51 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
398 Letter from H C Cooke (Area Land Agent, Forestry Commission) to Clerk of the Bailies re setting up formal agreement between the parties Writing to Michael Davidson that matters between the FC and Bailies should be put on a "more formal footing"; forwarding draft agreement for the committee's attention, particularly items 1 - 6. Saturday 28th of October 2023 09:19:00 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
399 Proposed agreement between the Forestry Commission and Bailies of Bennachie with appended note to R Marnie from Conservator's office Draft agreement points following concern for accidents to the public; restriction on activities without permission; taking out of public liability insurance, any breaches mean agreement can be cancelled; followed by amendments from Mrs Boyd (p3) Saturday 28th of October 2023 09:31:40 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
400 Letter to the Conservator (Forestry Commission) from Michael Davidson (Clerk, Bailies) expressing concern at proposed agreement between the two bodies Davidson notes the Bailies had received the proposed agreement from H C Cooke and were "surprised and concerned" at the contents, and that several points were "impossible to comply with"; Davidson hopes this is the result of a misunderstanding etc. Saturday 28th of October 2023 09:41:25 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
401 Letter from H C Cooke (Land Agent, Forestry Commission) to Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) re proposed agreement insurance issue H C Cooke writing regarding the Bailies' issues with the proposed agreement, noting that the Conservator's main concern was liability to third parties in respect of activities held by the Bailies; Cooke asks if they have insurance Saturday 28th of October 2023 09:57:35 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
402 Letter from H C Cooke (Area Land Agent, Forestry Commission) to Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) regarding Bailies' insurance H C Cooke refers to an earlier conversation with Davidson saying he had forwarded a summary to the Conservator; he asks for sight of the Bailies' insurance policy which Davidson had not yet sent him. Saturday 28th of October 2023 10:12:01 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
403 Letter of apology for non-attendance at Bailies' meeting from Ron Marnie (Forestry Commission) to Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) Ron writes to apologise in advance for missing upcoming council meeting and says he feels he is getting out of touch with the Bailies; Ron goes on to say he will move "heaven and earth" to make the next one. He sends regards to James Kelman Saturday 28th of October 2023 10:18:53 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
404 Letter to Ron Marnie enclosing minutes of last meeting, highlighting various points, from Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) Davidson refers to a telephone conversation and points raised at meeting re the Forestry Commission; concern re construction work affecting parking; insurance issue; GRAIN project; drainage Millstone Hill path etc.; invites Marnie to address Rally Saturday 28th of October 2023 10:55:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
405 Letter to Michael Davidson (Bailies' Clerk) from Ron Marnie addressing points in previous letter 8-1-30A Marnie assures that the construction work will not affect parking on Rally Day; issue with treasurer's communication not being acknowledged; Mrs Horne of Grain attending next meeting to speak on project; Millstone Hill path to be monitored; Saturday 28th of October 2023 11:02:47 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
419 Letter from Graham Hamilton, Regional Director to P Stallard (Clerk to the Baillies) re Goverment disposal of woodlands Hamilton thanks Stallard for let or 12 Mar, re encouraging SNH response, confirms that Bennachie forest was never on the Commission's disposal list. Can't rule out the government trying to force a sale, but would engage with them re sponsored sale Wednesday 29th of November 2023 10:45:02 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 04:07:08 PM
474 A letter from Gordon District Council regarding a tree preservation order A letter from Gordon District Council laying out plans for a tree preservation order for the area. Tuesday 16th of April 2024 08:33:58 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
477 Gordon District Local Plan Review - comments Comments from Bailies of Bennachie on a local plan review regarding preservation of and tourism in the area. Tuesday 16th of April 2024 08:56:12 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
484 Letters regarding to an objection to a planning application for a caravan park Letters between Bailies of Bennachie and Gordon District Council objecting to a planning application for a caravan site at Brindy Hill. Tuesday 16th of April 2024 09:24:07 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
489 An exchange of letters regarding a reduction in ranger services Letters between Aberdeenshire Council and Bailies of Bennachie regarding a reduction in ranger services in the area and the concerns being brought about as a result of this. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 01:39:25 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
490 An exchange of letters regarding the Aberdeenshire draft local and draft structure plan for 2000 Letters between Aberdeenshire Council and Bailies of Bennachie regarding the draft local and draft structure plan for 2000, in which the latter raises concerns about the apparent lack of protection for the land area. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 01:55:15 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
491 A letter about boundary areas A letter from Bailies of Bennachie to councillor Colin Millar regarding the confusion over the boundary area under which they fall. The Bailies requests to be included in the Garioch area for consistency. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 02:02:13 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
493 Bad neighbour development guidelines A guideline regarding objecting or supporting a planning application Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:04:37 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
494 A letter about countryside access strategy area workshops from Aberdeenshire Council A letter from Aberdeenshire Council about the provision of access workshops, a schedule of time and dates for these, and an attendance form. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:11:05 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
495 A notification of requested planning permission A form notifying of requested planning permission for a house extension in the area, and the opportunity for neighbours to offer a refusal. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:14:21 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
496 Letters regarding the Blairdaff / Blindburn forestry scheme Letters between the Bailies of Bennachie and Aberdeenshire Council regarding the above scheme and a dispute resulting from it. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:22:45 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
497 A letter about Aberdeenshire Council access workshops A letter from Aberdeenshire Council about access workshops and a schedule of times, dates and locations for these. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:25:19 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
498 A letter about strategic planning in Aberdeen City and Shire A letter regarding the Aberdeen City and Shire strategic plan and public meetings on the subject Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:29:17 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
499 Letter and email about access to the Bailies centre for Aberdeenshire Council meetings A letter and an email about confusion over access to the Bailies centre for Aberdeenshire Council meetings and the clarification on the matter. Wednesday 17th of April 2024 03:33:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
508 Article from the Inverurie Herald about Sir Archibald Grant's thwarted plan to plant trees An article from the Inverurie Herald where Sir Archibald Grant, who wanted to plant trees on his estate, claims that Gordon District Council and the Bailies of Bennachie are among those trying to put a stop to his plans. Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:08:31 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
515 Newspaper article about the Bailies' fears for government plans for forest privatisation. An article about the Bailies' concerns over the government's plans to privatise forests Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:57:32 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
516 Newspaper column by MP Malcolm Bruce about forest privatisation concerns A column by Gordon MP Malcolm Bruce addressing the concerns from the Bailies of Bennachie regarding forest privatisation Thursday 18th of April 2024 02:59:50 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
519 Article from Inverurie Advertiser about concerns for the Bennachie centre in the wake of possible forest privatisation An article from the Inverurie Advertiser about possible risks to the future of the Bennachie centre if plans for forest privatisation go ahead. Thursday 18th of April 2024 03:13:35 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:40 PM
606 Press and Journal article about possible access difficulties for the proposed new Bennachie centre A Press and Journal article suggesting that forestry privatisation plans could cause access problems for the proposed Bennachie centre, including leaving it without an access path. Sunday 21st of April 2024 12:58:44 PM Tuesday 22nd of October 2024 05:00:39 PM